National networking night: hui-tanguru. An evening with Science Communicators Association of New Zealand *IN PERSON*

Date(s) - Thu 27 February
17:30 - 19:30

Shed 22, 4 Taranaki St, Wellington

More information

Nau mai, haere mai e hoa mā! Karahuihui mai anō tātou ā te wā! Welcome, friends! SCANZ are delighted to welcome you to their first Networking Night of 2025!

Come and meet other local science communicators in your region. Get to know each other and share whakaaro ideas and advice over kai and wai food and drinks.

Networking Nights are for everyone. From science researchers and students to communications staff, content creators, formal and informal science educators and everyone in between! No SCANZ membership required and no need to RSVP – just show up and ask to be directed to the area reserved for SCANZ.

Hei korā! See you there!