Emissions reduction target and emissions budgets. A hui with Jo Hendy *ONLINE*

Date(s) - Tue 21 May
12:00 - 13:30

More information

He Pou a Rangi Climate Change Commission is consulting from 8 April to 31 May 2024 on three projects regarding Aotearoa New Zealand’s emissions reduction target and emissions budgets:

Draft advice for the fourth emissions budget period (2036–2040), and potential revision of emissions budgets one, two, and three: advice-on-emissions-budgets

A discussion document on the review of whether emissions from international shipping and aviation should be included in the emissions reduction target: whether-emissions-from-international-aviation-and-shipping-should-be-included

A discussion document on the inaugural five-yearly review of the emissions reduction target: review-of-the-2050-emissions-target

You are invited to hear from Climate Change Commission Chief Executive, Jo Hendy, and Commission staff about the process they have taken to develop these three pieces of work and ask your questions during a break-out session, focusing in on the project you are most interested in.

The purpose of these three pieces of work is to help chart the path to a low emissions future and the Commission needs your input to ensure the final advice is robust and reflects the lived experiences of people all across Aotearoa New Zealand. We hope you can come along to learn more about how to make your voice heard.

The location of this event is online. Before your selected event date, you will receive a Zoom link.
