Hope matters: climate change and ecology. A forum *ONLINE*

Date(s) - Tue 23 July - Wed 24 July
11:00 - 15:00

More information

The Ecological Society of Australia and the New Zealand Ecological Society invite you to join the inaugural online Tran-Tasman forum ‘Hope matters: climate change and ecology” held online from 23rd to 24th July 2024.

Across the globe, climate change is challenging the structure and function of ecosystems and the services they provide to societies. The consequential effects include species changes that are occurring more rapidly than expected, with evidence of further acceleration to come.

Australian and New Zealand ecologists continue to respond to the increased alarm, driven strongly by the future impact this will have on the ecosystems and associated services that humans depend on. This online forum focuses on some of the current research and activities associated with climate change and ecology from Australia and New Zealand aimed at a greater understanding of ecosystems, impacts on landscapes, oceans and rivers, indigenous perspectives, and societies becoming more nature focused and adapting to changing conditions. Ecologists undertake this work because they have hope – hope matters.

The Tran-Tasman online forum will showcase climate change and ecology through one open session and three thematic sessions: fire ecology; eco-sanctuaries; traditional ecological knowledge. Offered over two days, pre-recorded plenaries and/or conference style talks will be followed by a 30-minute question and answer panel session with the presenters.

Ecological Society of Australia and the New Zealand Ecological Society look forward to you joining them online to connect, engage and encourage ecologists and help spread understanding and hope through learning about their work.

Sessions and convenors
