Great big waterfront clean-up *IN PERSON*

Date(s) - Wed 22 January
12:00 - 14:30

Museum of Wellington City and Sea

More information

Help keep our harbour beautiful.

It’s that time again! Show our amazing city some love by joining in the Great Big Waterfront Clean-Up 2025. Help clean up our waterfront and keep trash out of our harbour.

Register your whānau, friends and work mates to join the cause!

What to bring:
Sturdy footwear
Reusable drink bottle
Sun-smart gear
Raincoat (just in case!)*

The Wellington Museums team will provide:
Gloves and rubbish sacks
Health & safety briefing
First aid support
Sunscreen & hand sanitiser
Rubbish removal
After your hard mahi, enjoy a refreshing Almighty drink as a thank you!

As one of the oldest buildings on the waterfront, Te Waka Huia Wellington Museum is an important reminder of our past. The Wellington Museums team pride themselves on being involved in activities that enhance the wellbeing of theland and people. He waka eke noa – We are in this together.

Register now