Urban infrastructure: how should we right size priority and need? A seminar by Geoff Cooper *IN PERSON or ONLINE*

Date(s) - Wed 15 May
12:00 - 13:30

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Speaker: Geoff Cooper, General Manager – Strategy, New Zealand Infrastructure Commission, Te Waihanga

Seminar description:
The demands on our transportation infrastructure are ramping up. Not only do we want to get where we are going as fast and safely as possible on uncongested and well maintained roads; but we also want to do it while reducing carbon emissions, with infrastructure that can withstand the effects of changing weather patterns (but are easy to reinstate if needed); to give a hand up to the most disadvantaged and increase housing supply, but without annoying the neighbours in the process; and for it all to fit within prudent fiscal limits. It’s a lot to ask. So how should the transport sector be thinking about prioritisation and need?

About Geoff Cooper
Geoff Cooper has a background in global policy having worked for the United Nations, the United States Treasury and the Federal Reserve. He is a former Chief Economist for both PwC and Auckland Council, where he worked on infrastructure, housing, regulation and financial policy, including business case development for Auckland’s City Rail Link.

At Te Waihanga, Geoff has purview over research, strategy and the Infrastructure Pipeline. He led the development of the New Zealand Infrastructure Strategy in 2022 and is now working on the National Infrastructure Plan. He holds a Master of Economics with First Class Honours from the University of Auckland and a Master of Public Affairs from Princeton University.

To attend online: fill in the form at the link here, select ‘urban infrastructure’ in the webinar dropdown menu.
In person: please email freda@wrlc.org.nz with ‘Geoff Cooper’ in the subject line. RSVPs will be on a first in, first serve basis (capacity 50.)