Evidence of CO2 recharge and release at Lake Albano (Colli Albani volcano, Rome, Italy) following the August 2020 seismic swarm: implications for present and future gas hazard. A seminar by Dmitri Rouwet *IN PERSON or ONLINE*

Date(s) - Mon 17 March
12:00 - 13:00

Cotton Room 304, VUW

School of Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences Seminar

Dr Dmitri Rouwet, an Adjunct Professor from the University of Bologna, will be discussing: Evidence of CO2 recharge and release at Lake Albano (Colli Albani volcano, Rome, Italy) following the August 2020 seismic swarm: implications for present and future gas hazard

For people joining online, the Zoom link is: https://vuw.zoom.us/j/96435779210